Sunday, June 30, 2013

Improved client list speadsheet download

We've had the ability to export CSV files for quite a while now. They are quite handy as they can be opened in a variety of spreadsheet softwares (including Excel and Numbers) and uploaded to databases and third party online services. People have used them as simple backups, to perform statistical analysis or prepare mailing lists.

We currently offer CSV exports for both appointments ("my settings" > "links" on the left hand side) and your client list ("management" > "registered clients" near the top).

We found out that you often need to find out quickly who hasn't booked in a while, who isn't scheduled to come again anytime soon, or a variety of different things typically requiring that you know your clients' previous or next appointment dates if any. While it was possible to find out by downloading our appointment export and going through the list, this wasn't easy and took more of your time than it should. Since our aim is to make your scheduling simpler, faster and more cost effective, we decided to build that in.

As part of our rapid update cycle we have now added both the previous appt and next appt columns to the CSV client list download ("management" > "registered clients" near the top). You will now clearly see every client with their previous and next appointment date (blank if none) and be able to sort on those columns in your favorite spreadsheet software.

More improvements to the way we handle CSV files are in the pipeline for our soon to be refreshed beta interface, so stay tuned.