Wednesday, March 31, 2010

SMS feature live

The new SMS (text message) is live for everyone to enable.. or not. It's off by default of course but you can enable it under "my account" > "company details".

Note: only admins can access this screen and turn it on/off.

As a reminder, here's how the feature works:
  • a text message will be sent to client profiles with a valid north american number
  • the number used to satisfy the above criteria is the one in the "cell phone" field
  • a reminder will be sent on the previous evening or late afternoon for appointments the next day in the morning
  • a reminder will be sent in the morning for appointments in the afternoon / evening on the same day
  • the text of the reminder is as follows: "Appointment reminder: BUSINESSNAME DATEANDTIME local time. See email for details. No reply."
We may still tweak this feature further but at this point we're confident enough to make it available to all that want to enable it.